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Scent Notes

The Scents of Summer

The Scents of Summer

Summer Candles

We're thrilled to announce that our Summer Collection is now available! When designing this collection, we did what we do with our workshop guests; we asked, "How do we want to feel this season?" We narrowed down the list to three feelings: 
- Relaxed / Calm 
- Refreshed 
- Revitalized 

Then we thought about summery elements and memories that evoked those feelings. We came up with visions of summer cocktails, lazy evenings on a porch swing, the fresh and earthy scents of a garden, a beach vacation, fresh-cut grass, morning walks scented by honeysuckle... 

Read on to explore the personal inspiration behind each scent. 

Porch Swing Candle // Honeysuckle and Grass 

Porch Swing
From April to September, you can find me on my porch swing (pictured above) at least once a day. I cannot get enough of it. Maybe it's the slow rhythm of the back-and-forth movement...the subtle breeze on my face...the polite waves to neighbors walking their dogs...the cold glass of lemonade or mojito in my hand...the memory of spending time on my grandparents' porch in the summer...or the fresh, slightly sweet and slightly floral scent in my yard. On my porch swing, I'm calm and mindful, savoring the little joys of summer.  

This candle is an attempt to capture the bliss of a summer evening, with the sweet, floral notes of honeysuckle and Japanese lilac, balanced against the fresh and earthy scent of cut grass, with hints of white gardenia, lemon, and night-blooming jasmine. The scent is more fresh than floral, and it might be my favorite right now. 

 Garden Candle // Summer Candle


My dad once said, "If you're too busy to have a garden, you're too busy." I think of this every summer as I contemplate restarting my super small garden. And inevitably, I plant some heirloom tomato plants, cucumbers, and some herbs. This simple act reminds me to slow down with the pace of summer and enjoy the gift of time and longer days. To me, this means heading to the pool with my kids whenever possible, enjoying a cool breeze on my porch swing after dinner, and of course, tending to the garden to help things grow (literally or metaphorically...hopefully both). 

This candle is the scent of a garden in a jar, with fresh notes of rosemary, sage, thyme, and basil, balanced against calming cucumber, zesty tomato leaf, and a hint of pepper. It's the perfect scent for a kitchen and evokes a refreshing and almost comforting feeling. 

 Getaway Candle // Summer Vacation Candle


Remember that perfect beach vacation? I do. Every time I smell this candle, it transports me back to soft salty breezes off the ocean, warm sand between my toes, and an ice cold cocktail in my hand. The carefree lifestyle of being at the beach––where there are no clocks, no deadlines, and no conference calls with co-workers––is my peaceful retreat from a hectic life. Leave your worries for a little while enjoying this candle.

This candle recreates the smell of pineapple, grapefruit, and mint with hints of lemon and sugar. It's a getaway in a jar. Perfect for an energy or emotional re-set. 

Summer Should's 

Last, some personal talk: many of my friends lately have felt the summer blues. Maybe it's the weight of expectations of constant "doing" and "going" now that we finally got our wish of a relatively normal post-Covid lock-down society. Maybe it's the exhaustion of a family "vacation" with young kids. Maybe it's work stress or just Mercury Retrograde doing its messy thing.

If you're feeling like this, please remember one thing: Stop Should-ing all over yourself. We are constantly arranging our time and lives around things we feel we should do...and for what? And for whom? Make an effort to do only the things you need to do and want to do. Get comfortable with saying "no," and be present in the moments to which you said, "yes."  

After all, there are only so many summers in a given lifetime. 

xoxo - Lindsay 


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